Paradox Oil for babies & toddlers contains pure omega oil and 100% natural antioxidants. Paradox oil for babies uses the highest quality omega oils hand blended with no additives, to give your children the very best omega oil food supplement. Paradox omega oil for infants and toddlers provides a measured daily dose of omega oils in an easy to administer pump dispenser which delivers the oil directly into your infants and toddler food, such as mashed potato, vegetables, yogurts or smoothies. The oil is virtually tasteless and is suitable for children from six months.
Dosage: 6 months to 1 year (1 squirt 2ml). 1 year- 6 years- 2 squirts.
2 squirts contain Omega 3 - 840mg, EPA - 350mg, DHA - 350mg, Omega 6 - 120mg, Omega 9 - 990mg. Omega Babies contains Pure deep sea fish oil, pure extra virgin olive oil, pure lemon oil, fat soluble antioxidants,vitamin D, vitamin E.