Paradox Omega Sport provides total Omega balance and stability essential for optimum performance and recovery.Paradox is specifically formulated to provide nutritional solutions for those participating in sport and regular exercise programs. Prevents inflammation naturally thus helps recovery.
Protection against sports injuries
Overtraining can lead to the proliferation of free radicals and inflammatory reactions in muscle tissue and joints. Studies indicate that starting even moderately intensive training has the same impact on the muscles, resulting in an increased risk of injury and inflammation. Research has shown that the blood of trained sports people who took an Omega fish oil supplement had a lower level of marker substances (CRP) pointing to inflammatory reaction and a higher level of protection from anti-inflammatory substances.
Enhanced sports performance
Research reveals that essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 benefit the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, mucosa and the brain. They have positive effects on thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity and anabolism, and have been shown to reduce PG2s prostaglandins, thereby decreasing inflammation and aiding recovery.
Inreased focus
Omega fatty acids make up a large part of the brain, and so sports that demand intense periods of focus and concentration will benefit from the correct balance of Omegas.
Improved lung function
A research study has also shown supplementation with Omega 3 may improve lung function in athletes during and after exercise.