Totally natural and pure Paradox Omega Mums is the clever safe and effective way to start your family. Paradox is specifically formulated to provide nutritional solutions for women before, during and after pregnancy. Omega 3 is essential for the growth and development of baby and well-being of mum. Omega 7 helps prevent intimate dryness before, during and after pregnancy.
Good for mum and baby
It’s now known that Omega 3 plays an important role in maintaining the health of expectant mums and the development of the unborn baby. OmegaMums is a natural, safe and proven way to obtain Omega 3 & Omega 7 before, during and after pregnancy.
Omega 3 for both
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a fatty acid found in Omega 3 that is essential for the healthy development of baby’s brain, eye, immune and nervous system. If Omega 3 is insufficient in pregnancy, then the needs of the baby are met first, which can result in the mother becoming Omega 3 deficient, leading to post-partum depression and other affective disorders. Supplementation with Paradox is a safe and natural source of fatty acids DHA and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) that support baby’s development and protect mum’s health.
Omega 7 for mum
Healthy mucous membranes are important for sexual health and wellbeing before, during and after pregnancy. Omega 7 may reduce intimate dryness by helping to maintain natural lubrication of the mucous membranes of the vaginal tract